Thursday, September 10, 2020

Well we thought the weather had broken.  Humid, damp and rainy is the tune of the day.  We were fortunate that we only received about a quarter inch last night so we were able to accomplish plenty today.  More rain is forecast this weekend so we will wait and see what we have to deal with next week.

Check out five fairway! It was mowed for the first time on Wednesday since it was seeded. Sixteen days!

A measly quarter inch of rain almost filled the cups. Crazy. 

Wet, soft greens and poor etiquette.  A fresh ball mark not six feet from the cup.  We understand your frustration but please this doesn't help.

We thought we were through with the fans for the season.  Nope.
Several areas were prepared on Tuesday and then fresh sod was laid on Wednesday.

Jose B preparing the expanded collar on hole fifteen.
Topdressing greens with dry sand during a break in the showers.  The course is too soft to use riding equipment.

Edging bunkers on a rainy day.
Beautifully edged and ready to be raked-TOMORROW!

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