Monday, September 14, 2020

We are doing our best to get the course back to our standard.  Finally the weather looks to be cooperating.  We have an abundance of work to complete before Member Guest.  Please bear with us as we are doing everything possible with a now reduced staff.

There has been plenty of chatter about the chipping area recently.  Last week we removed a portion of the bent and replaced it with rough grass.  This was to be cut back to step cut height once it matured.  We now feel we made an error and will replace some of the fescue with bent tomorrow.  The newly sodded bent will provide a nice level area for chipping while also providing some separation from the putting green.  The flagged area will be the bent fairway.  Sorry for the confusion.
Close Encounters of the Springfield Kind?  This morning double cutting the practice green reminded me of that movie.  Anyway we are finally lowering the height of cut for the first time in over two months.  The picture illustrates this quite well.
The beginning of a very busy day.  Removal of a dead oak by the ninth green.
Piecing it out with the help of a crane.
A monster trunk!
Miss Gill helping out.
Sealing the asphalt in the cart staging area.
Rhizotonia Blight in the chipping fairway but too wet to spray.
You bet its wet.  Mower stuck near or in the creek on eight.
The man hiding behind the tree did it!
Josh seeding the rough.  I hope we haven't missed our optimum germination window but what can you do?
There's always something to brighten your day on the course.

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