Friday, May 22, 2020

It's been a productive week on the golf course.  All fairways and roughs were fertilized.  With the rain coming our timing couldn't be better.  We planted 15 ornamental trees and nearly 100 shrubs earlier this week.  Today we are completing our herb and vegetable garden.  Next week summer annuals begin arriving.  With Memorial Day next week we will be busy!

Plants arrive at 6 AM on Monday.
Adding dogwood and redbuds to fill in the bed by the ninth tee.
More club grounds improvements.
Adding leaf compost to the herb and vegetable garden before tilling.
Cross cutting fairways and fertilizing the rough.
This is encouraging. Wildflowers finally germinating in the bed by the 7th tee.  Plant growth throughout the course has been so slow due to the cool weather.
Crazy wind and another white pine is down.
This improved elm will have to come down as well.
Check this out!  A honeybee swarm on the 4th hole.  We tried to capture it but it was gone later that day.
Living on a golf course is every dogs dream.


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