Sunday, May 3, 2020

Good Sunday afternoon.  Just a quick note on some observations made on Friday.  The course handled the rain pretty well but was clearly in need of a day to drain and rest.  The turf is just now starting to grow.  Cool weather along with the use of growth regulators has helped reduce some of our mowing.  With more rain coming mowing the rough is essential.  Wet conditions prohibited us from mowing everything last week.  Wish us luck!

The closure on Friday permitted the crew an opportunity to edge all the greenside bunkers. 
Another view of some nice detail work by our great crew.
A view of five fairway.  Fairways were last mowed on April 17th!  Growth regulators illustrating their usefulness.  Fairways will be sprayed again on Monday.
The cool weather has really slowed down the bermudagrass.  This is the driving range tee with cool season grass dominating over the brown bermudagrass base.
The greens are healing nicely.  We will begin mowing them this week.  Expect fast and smooth surfaces later this week!
Text book Waitea Patch on our greens. This is purely environmental and will go away with warmer weather and sun.  Fungicides will help too.

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