Friday, March 6, 2020

Well there goes winter.  Things are happening fast on the course.  Soil temperatures are way ahead of normal which has a bearing on timing of preemergent herbicides and growth regulators.  Aeration of rough will begin on Monday.  This needs to be completed before we can apply herbicides.  Our old nemesis Mr. Annual Bluegrass Weevil will be out earlier too.  The irrigation system is being charged up today.  We also will begin seeding bentgrass in fairways next week.  We are hoping to establish more bent before the bermudagrass comes out of dormancy.  We will apply different herbicides to these areas throughout the season to combat bermudagrass encroachment.

The tarps are off and the greens look excellent.
Four green after several rolls and mows.  Awesome!
The upper tee on 11.  This tee will open in May.
Soil temperature on 2 green at a two inch depth.  Pretty warm for this early in March.
Cutting back last years growth in the wildflower bed on the third hole.
This is discouraging.  Filamentous algae in the pond on 11.  This is the first outbreak that I have seen on our course in over twenty years. This pond is in need of dredging in the near future.
More fescue/blue establishment in the rough between 1 and 9.
Tulips emerging in pots on the patio.

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