Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Just a quick update on what is happening on the golf course.  The COVID-19 situation has forced a reduction in our staff.  Most part time labor has been laid off and we have reduced hours to the full time staff.  Hopefully this situation will improve after April.  Once the turf begins actively growing more labor will be necessary.  Please bear with us. 

A foam insert was added inside the pvc pipe and works much better.
Rough is being mowed throughout this week.
Annual bluegrass weevil monitoring has begun.  As you can see the adult weevils are very small.  They are just beginning their migration into low mowed turf.  An insecticide will be applied when we believe the majority of the adults are in the short grass.  The timing needs to be precise as the insecticide loses it's strength rapidly.
Our wildflower beds did not come in very well last fall and will be replanted next week.  More annual bluegrass came up than wildflowers following the drought..  Roundup was applied a week ago to kill the bluegrass.
Tulip have been excellent.  Too bad more can't enjoy them.

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