Thursday, July 11, 2019

Plenty of stress and pressure this week.  The golf course performed admirably throughout.  Mondays deluge of two inches was cause for concern but excellent planning and decision making allowed the competition to continue without damaging the course.  After the rain it was determined we could resume play at 12:30.  The afternoon rounds were cancelled and the first two flights were allowed to finish.  Practice areas were closed and all pull carts had to remain on the path.  Particularly rewarding was the performance of our greens.  We applied a wetting agent the previous week.  This helps move water through the soil profile and was a great benefit after the deluge.  Thanks to all involved that made this a successful competition- particularly my crew.  They are the best!

Monday morning at 9:53.  Our course can take a pretty good licking.
Eleven pond just rising over the dam allowing storm water to enter the bunker.
It takes a great team to put the bunkers back in shape.  That picture is at 10:51- one hour after the rain had stopped.
The practice green is having perhaps its best year ever.  This can be attributed to Monday closure and an excellent spring for cool season turf.
This continues to be the biggest cause for concern of the Bowers.  Taking divots with practice swings is unacceptable.  Where are kids learning this?  Fortunately we have a variety of bentgrass that has excellent lateral growth to aid in recovery.  Thanks to our divot crew as well!

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