Thursday, July 25, 2019

Last week was a tough as it gets for maintaining cool season turf.  The change in the weather since is remarkable and just what the doctor ordered.  The course is a little beat up after last week all due to heat stress.  We did what we could to minimize damage by hand watering hot spots, not mowing or rolling and moving cart traffic to the path.  Thanks for this as cart damage was minimal.

The 15th tee is struggling.  Our sod held up for a while but couldn't stand the heat.  Several of our tees need to be reconstructed so they perform better in weather extremes.
Cart damage on the 10th fairway.  The only way to prevent this is keeping them on the path.
Pythium blight in the rough.  This disease is triggered by high heat and humidity.
Seventeen collection area.  We have had more problems with bent collars and collection areas this summer than in the past. 
We are starting to see some tree failures on the course.  This is a white oak dying out.
A small tree fell down on by the 15th tee blocking the path Wednesday morning.
Our cart paths are showing their age.  Lots of cracks and potholes are showing up.  Josh was able to spray weed killer to these areas last week.
Daylily flowers on the 4th hole were almost completely eaten by deer this year even though we applied deer repellent.  Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!

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