Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The up and down winter weather continues.  Putting surfaces have thawed so there is a chance we might have the greens available for play later this week before winter returns.  Last year at this time it was 70 degrees!  Josh and I just returned from the Golf Industry Show in San Diego and have brought back plenty to ponder for this coming season.  Bermudagrass encroachment was a topic of emphasis at the show and other professional seminars we attended this winter.  The bad news as expected is common bermudagrass can't be killed.  It can be suppressed though through many different cultural and chemical applications.  This is what we are going to concentrate our efforts on this year.

One tested method is to slice bermudagrass when dormant to weaken it during cold periods.  Our Imants slicing machine is perfect for this.
Different bunker liners are under consideration for use at our club.  This particular one piqued my interest.
My alma mater represented well at the show!
I caught up with our friends at Audubon and this peregrine falcon.
I was fortunate to play in the GCSAA Four Ball at Torrey Pines North course.  My partner Eric Junkins and I played well and came in sixth.  That is the 15th hole which I made par on!
There are not many Canadian geese in California but there are plenty of coots which will not move.  Jack and Gill would be in heaven!
Fortunately we don't have to worry about this.
Tulips beginning to emerge.  Spring is around the corner!

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