Monday, February 18, 2019

A nice break in the weather allowed us to open up the greens and tees for some winter golf on Thursday.  Alas that has ended and more rain has closed the course today.  We need to dry out!  The excessive moisture is starting to back up planned outside winter work.  Snow and rain are now forecast for Wednesday.

It was nice greeting golfers for a mid-winter break on Friday.  Raking bunkers, rolling greens and changing hole locations was a nice change for the crew.
A freshly rolled tenth green.
It was dry enough to allow Josh to seed some bent into bermuda patches in the fairways.
We are observing some annual bluegrass germination is several of our greens(speckling in the picture) which will be easy to transition out with growth regulators.
Our honeybees were out in mass on Friday.  Not a great pic but look close and you'll see them.
Planned drainage on the ninth hole whenever it dries up enough to work,
Inside work on golf course supplies is about complete.  These benches look like new and are ready for the golf season.

Patio rockers are last. 

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