Thursday, November 29, 2018

It's been unseasonably cold this week but we are making a lot of progress with our winter projects.  Construction on the new eighth tee complex began on Wednesday.  The subgrade is nearly ready after two days of work.  Expect to see grade stakes tomorrow and the corners of the tees should be set.  With more rain in the forecast this weekend expect some drainage work to commence on Monday on holes five and six as we wait for the tee area to dry up some.

Before construction began on eight we took the best bentgrass sod and sodded both upper tees on fifteen.  These tees have been covered and are now closed for the winter.
Day one of construction.
Getting the collars back to a consistent 24 inch width and then sodding with tall fescue.  The height of this turf will be lowered in the spring.
The course has been so wet we have had to use back pack blowers more than normal to protect the turf.  Here the guys push leaves across the ninth fairway.
Daylillies on the fourth hole illustrate what a wet year it has been.  Normally these would be back to bare ground.  The dark row in the center is our local deer path!
We have an abundance of ducks right now.  I counted over sixty mallards and mergansers today.


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