Friday, November 2, 2018

Fall has really arrived this week.  Trees and shrubs have nice color and leaves are beginning to drop.  This promises to be a very busy November with leaves just beginning to fall.  The crew did an outstanding job installing sod around the 18th fairway this week.  We are going to work in some fairway aeration and topdressing next week as well as planting tulips- over 11,000 to be exact!

We still are playing catch up from this wet year.  Here Josh applies an herbicide to eliminate clover in our fairways.  This work was scheduled in late spring!

We also just completed slicing fairways that was started Labor Day week!!  This coming week we start again.

Just how wet are we?  It rained last Friday/Saturday and there is still standing water in spots on Thursday.

New sod installation on the 18th hole.  The dark turf in the foreground was done last year.

Whoops.  Accidents can happen at anytime.  Fortunately no one was hurt and the equipment is fine.

A turf blanket was put on our nursery green to speed up establishment.

Pine trees are evergreens but they have a period in the fall where they lose many of their needles.

Early risers get this benefit!


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