Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The course continues to improve with the help of some superior work by our staff and more sunshine. Now if only the humidity would disappear.  Extended periods of high humidity have really hurt the drying of the course.  Please temper your expectations of a 'fast' course until this occurs.

Hurray, we have groomed the greens back to their regular cutting height!

Can you say things are on the mend!

The crew double cut all the fairways yesterday collecting clippings all the way.

Gray leaf spot continues to plague some of our rough.  This is another disease we don't see too often- Rust.  Too much humidity causing extended periods of leaf wetness are causing this disease to persist.

Rust in the deep rough on 14.  It is difficult to see but the disease is affecting the lighter fescue seen in the shade.  The darker turf is bermudagrass.

The driving range tee has been overseeded with perennial ryegrass to help prevent winter kill.  Here we drag in the seed and then turn on the water.  Water, really?

Despite the sunshine the course remains very wet-but it is getting better!


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