Monday, October 1, 2018

It's Monday morning and the course is beginning to dry out.  The course is still too wet to begin mowing the rough. Rough mowing will begin on Tuesday in earnest.  We expect to allow carts off the path later this week, most likely Thursday.  There is so much to catch up on as we prepare for the Ryder Cup on Friday.

Talk about piling on.  Friday afternoon during lunch this tree came down at the 14th tee.

Dick and Rony are plugging away the remnants of a bad year.  This area will look like new after next week.

The course is healing now that the sun has arrived.  Crystal BlueLinks on the sixth tee.

Fairway mowing without baskets and still mowed high.  The height of cut will be lowered tomorrow and we will double cut.

Plenty of new grass is filling is bare spots.  These ropes have been cut by our neighborhood foxes believe it or not.

Our pleas to practice better just is not working.  We will overseed this tee on Tuesday and move play back to the mats.

Yes the rough is indeed long.   The height of cut has been raised to three inches to start out.  We have not mowed rough since September 21st.

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