Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday morning and another .25 inches of rain on a "sunny" day.  I believe we all can do as good a job forecasting as the weatherman.  Anyway the course is showing signs of recovery and next week true fall weather arrives(so the weatherman says).

Not again. More rain and swales are swamped again.

Reseeding some tees damaged from too much rain.  This is the eighth tee which was approved to be rebuilt this fall.  Thank you Board of Directors!

Seeding rough areas with tall fescue/bluegrass previously treated for bermudagrass encroachment.  This morning's rain was perfect for these areas.

Tall fescue germinating where seeded last week.

The sixth green flagged to reduce its size in areas that perennially fail.

This is the area we will convert to collar and rough.

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