Thursday, September 27, 2018

Can you feel it? That my friend is dry air, something we haven't experienced in a long while.  This is the weather the course needs to recover, and recover it will.  We are expecting rain later today but it looks as though this extreme wet, humid period is past us and we can begin to get back to some normalcy.

We mowed greens for the first time since Saturday and it came out pretty good.

At least half the tees were dry enough to permit mowing.  The new tees perform so much better and illustrates the need for additional renovation of many of our tees.  The 8th tee is scheduled for renovation in November!

Look at the water in the cup that hasn't perked through the soil.  Our greens do not perform well when we experience excessive rainfall.

Improvements are happening.  This is Gray Leaf Spot blight around the 12th tee on September 17th.

The same area on September 25th.


  1. Thanks for posting more frequently, I read every one. We are all looking forward to some great fall weather
