Unseasonably cold weather has been the norm for March. Finally there is some relief coming later this week. Beginning today our crew will start deep tine aeration of greens and rough aeration. This should help stimulate the turf to begin waking up!
What a beautiful frost we experienced this morning.
Our biggest snow of the winter season occurred in spring last Wednesday.
Fortunately snow doesn't last long in late March. We were playing golf by Saturday!
Soil temperatures are still really low. With milder weather coming later this week soil temps should rise and the turf will begin to grow.
On Monday we had a tree company prune trees on the driving range in preparation of new poles and netting. We will raise the existing net fifteen feet.
The irrigation system has been charged up and is ready to be used. Murphy's Law in action as the only head that came on during the start up was a sprinkler on the 18th green in view for all to see!
Tractors and aerators are ready for action.
Saw these cart tracks and all I can do is shake my head.
Jack and Gill are best buds.