Friday, January 5, 2018

What a contrast to our last blog! Near record temperatures have put a halt on all outdoor work excluding snow removal.  Temperatures are expected to moderate some next week.  Despite the frigid cold we were able to get some necessary tree work done while the course was frozen.  Props go to our contractor who did some marvelous work in some really trying conditions.

The crew has accomplished plenty since Christmas.  Here they are cutting back annual growth around pond #4.

That is Edgar behind the mask sporting his wand of death.  After undesirable saplings are cut he applies a nice dose of concentrated Roundup to eliminate them permanently.

Large Virginia scrub pine removed near the 18th green.

Eight dead or in decline trees were removed in all with a nice mountain of chips left for us to spread.

The pile of branches by the 12th green from a year of storm debris and pruning was chipped up as well.

Back inside once cold weather arrived the guys started working on course amenities.

Tee marker refurbishment in progress.

Rony working on cart directional posts.

It gets pretty tight in the shop and Oscar will a happy camper to have these guys back on the course!

Have you noticed we are pretreating our parking lot?  One of our distributors sells a brine solution in 275 gallon totes.  Josh made this "West Virginia" sprayer that works like a champ.  He's still waiting for his royalties.

This frigid weather has us concerned about our bees.  We added this bit of insulation to help them survive.

Ice Station Springfield!

We had a festive Christmas party at the Austin Grill on December20th. Cheers and Happy New Year!

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