Tuesday, December 19, 2017

It's December 19th and its sixty degrees!  Beautiful weather is allowing everyone to enjoy the course just a little longer before winter hits which looks like next week.  The last budgeted sod is being laid on the 18th hole and when finished we will do a rain dance.  We've only received two and a half inches since November 1st which is not much.  Plants need moisture heading into winter before the ground freezes.  The course was irrigated in December right before we winterized the system which is pretty unusual.  If you haven't watered foundation plantings at your home it wouldn't be a bad idea before turning off the water.

Need firewood?  The guys split quite a bit during the brief cold spell.

Internal drainage was added to the gold tee on hole 15. This should help give the turf half a chance in this difficult growing environment.

The completed tee with new rough surrounds.

New fescue sod on the 18th hole.

This is the type of definition between fairway and rough new sod brings!

Mulching new plantings before winter arrives.

Warm days bring out the bees!

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