Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The course continues to be in a very dry state.  This will pass as one of the driest springs in a long time. And what about the wind?  The wind continues to howl and makes one think we are on the coast.  Hopefully we will receive some rain soon as this will help the course heal from next weeks aerification.

All our new tees are now open and ready for play.  No more bending it around the trees on thirteen!

Annual bluegrass weevil monitoring using a soap flush on the fourteenth fairway. The soapy solution is applied to the turf and causes beetles to come out from hiding and are then counted.  The soap doesn't 
hurt the grass.

Annual bluegrass weevil.  All fine turf areas were treated with an insecticide this week.

All fairways are now being mowed with triplex cutting units.  We will be purchasing two mowers soon to allow us to efficiently mow fairways.

We have seen some minor disease on some of our greens.  This is called Waitea Patch and is an almost annual event on our greens.

Annual bluegrass seed head suppression on our greens was pretty successful as demonstrated by this photo.  The perimeters of the greens were not treated as the chemical can be harsh to bent collars.  Not bad control!

New sod installation at the clubs entrance.  The center area with turf was sprayed with Roundup and will be mulched soon.

We have had an excellent display of tulips this spring that is unfortunately about to end.


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