Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Its Masters week but it feels like winter.  Hopefully this cold spell will be short-lived and we can get back to warmer temperatures.  It would help if the wind would calm down too!  It has also been particularly dry so some beneficial rain would be nice.  Looks like Thursday is the day.

Root pruning of invasive tree roots was recently performed throughout the course.  This helps reduce trees pulling valuable moisture from fairway turf.

Removing growth from around fifteen lake.

Relocating azaleas in the bed by the sixth green to a shadier spot.  Plants more tolerant of a hot southern exposure will be added later.

Replacing weak turf with fresh sod on the fourteenth hole.

Its been snowing flower petals with all the wind we have experienced.

Growth regulators are really pushing the bent through the Poa in our fairways.  This should get even better when the weather warms up.

Whoops!  After planting tulips for over 25 years without a mixup it finally happened. 

Here is the pine with the red tail hawk nest correctly identified by Bob McNamara.

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