Wednesday, October 28, 2015

It has been a while since we have experienced a nice rain and the course is all the better for it.  We almost completed replacing the fescue sod around the practice green and the rain couldn't have come at a better time.  We will continue to work on weak rough areas prior to the holidays.


Before the new sod is laid the old turf is removed using a sod cutter.  We then aerify and rake the soil.  A starter fertilizer is then applied before the sod is laid-green side up of course!

Keeping foot traffic off is a must until the sod has rooted in.  Quincy reminds me of my kids!

A killing frost ended our summer annuals for the year.  Tulips will be installed next week.

 The first hard freeze causes the greens to appear mottled and illustrates the different genetic composition of our greens.

 The greens were groomed to reduce grain and true up ball roll. This practice is done at perpendiculars for the best effect.

Grooming will reduce grain and help reduce spike mark damage but will not prevent aggressive footwork.  Please tamp down any damage if this occurs.

The driving range tee has been overseeded with perennial rye and looks good from a distance.  This should thicken up and allow us to play on the grass earlier in the spring.  We are mats only for the rest of the year. 

Another amazing sunrise.

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