Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Another great week of weather has the course playing firm and fast.  Following club championship we will pick back up with more sod work.  The rough grass around the practice green will be replaced with  fescue similar to what is on the course.  Hopefully this will help you save a few shots when playing the course. We will leave two areas to enter and exit the putting green and one of the bunkers to practice in.  
These areas will be replaced once the new sod is ready for foot traffic. The surrounding rough will not be available for play until next spring.

We have made great strides in our battle to reduce annual bluegrass in our fairways.  The yellowing in the fairway is the annual bluegrass under suppression with bentgrass filling in.  Continuing to be aggressive with these regulators is a must.

Bentgrass filling in a divot.  Growth regulators increase lateral growth of bentgrass and inhibit annual bluegrass.

Light weight mowing and full sun are necessary for bentgrass success.

We had some tree work done this week.  Here a sick pine is removed in fifteen minutes.



We have four check plots where we are trying to selectively remove annual bluegrass with the herbicide Poa Constrictor.

Topdressing approaches on Tuesday to build a firmer base for our turf.

This bunker face is at least eighteen inches higher than it was originally.  We will repair this in November.

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