Thursday, April 30, 2015

March, I mean April has come to an end and nice weather is in the forecast!.  Our greens have been outstanding this spring and one of the reasons is our ability to aerify regularly. We completed tee aeration today and begin greens next week.  Now that the turf is growing recovery should be enhanced though it will be "painful" to putt these greens for a while.  Please bear with us as we complete this important cultural practice.   

Sunrise special.  All the tees were aerated and topdressed this week.
Two topdressers speed up the process.  Core aeration and topdressing improve rooting of fine turf.
We used about fifty tons of sand on the tees!
A completed tee after brushing.
Annual bluegrass has been prolific this spring but the tide is beginning to turn.  We just completed our second application of Trimmit growth regulator in our fairways.  The bluish-green turf is the bent beginning to spread throughout the Poa.  Bent favors warmer temperatures. 
Amazingly soil temperatures have been stuck around fifty degrees for the last two weeks.
The contractor has begun replacing all the integrated circuit modules with an upgrade.  This work will take about two weeks to complete.
Prairie Fire crabapples behind the 11th green have been spectacular!
A male bluebird nesting in one of our houses.



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