Thursday, April 9, 2015

It has been another productive week on the course so far.  In true April style we have experienced a variety of temperature extremes and unfortunately too much cold.  We avoided much of the anticipated rain though and have been able to finally complete some winter projects.

Soil temperatures have risen almost ten degrees in the last week and the turf is loving it.
The turf is rapidly recovering from the disease called pink snow mold.  
Another view of a severe area recovering.  It is interesting that we treated fairways last year and still had disease present.  We will treat specific areas this fall to try and reduce the damage.
We applied Dimension herbicide for crabgrass control to all the fairways this week followed by a light dose of irrigation.
Here is an interesting problem we are experiencing.  These are earthworms by the hundreds in our bunkers.  We must remove them with a blower before raking. 
The creek on holes seven and eight is finally cleaned up.  Great job by our staff!
The bent is finally beginning to grow and is showing excellent color.
The purple martins are back...
and our tulips are beginning to bloom.  Spring has sprung!


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