Monday, March 2, 2015

Winter marches along unfortunately.  After an icy start this morning we are finally getting some significant melting to occur.  When exactly the course opens is a guess right now.  Longer days and a stronger sun are helping and we expect rapid improvement after this weekend based on the long range forecast.  In the meantime there is plenty of split firewood ready to be picked up and burned.

Erik and I attended the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America annual convention in San Antonia last week.  It was cold there too.
The trade show is at least an all day affair.  Everything imaginable in the management of golf courses can be found here. 
Though dormant the turf looks healthy.  The recent snows were very beneficial in insulating the turf from the extreme cold.  Here is some fairway turf from the third fairway with the snow easily brushed away with my foot.

The twelfth fairway this morning.

The same fairway near the end of the day.  Plenty of melt happened today.
The mass of pallets is no more!  We have had plenty of time to get our facility in order this winter.
A cherry tree pushing buds.  The power of spring is amazing and recharges the soul!
No sign of tulips amongst the mulch.  Once the ground thaws look out!

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