Thursday, March 12, 2015

Winter is gradually melting away.  We are ready to get this course open!  Today we removed the covers on greens 3,4 and 5 and all looks fine.  We replaced them at the end of the day to minimize any shock to the turf but anticipate them to be off permanently by Monday.  We ask for your patience as we start the golf season.  This winter has set us back two to three weeks and we have plenty on our plate.  We anticipate the entire course to be open by March 21st weather permitting!

Active pink snow mold on the 15th approach.  This disease can be found present in fairway drainage areas as the snow melts. Thankfully there is not too much out there.
The new sod around the collars appears to have survived the cold.  This will look better once it greens up and is mowed.
A spring ritual at our club.  The grass is greener under the tarp!
What a contrast to the rest of the course.
Five green after the tarp has been removed.


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