Monday, February 2, 2015

Not surprisingly Mr. Groundhog saw his shadow and called for six more weeks of winter.  Out of over a hundred years of forecasts he has only predicted an early spring seventeen times.  Hopefully he's as talented a meteorologist as the weatherman and we might yet have an early spring!   We continue to prep for the golf season working outside when we can.  Tree pruning is going well and should wrap up this week.  The work continues inside too. One improvement that is being implemented is changing the color of our ballwashers and some other accessories to match our tee signs.  This involves removing all the old paint and then spray painting with a primer and enamel coat.  They look like new and should help the appearance at each tee complex.

Before, during and after pics of our refurbished ballwashers.
Ballwashers ready to be reassembled.
Tee marker production line.
We have done some repair and maintenance in our pump house recently.  This six inch check valve failed late in the season and is being replaced before spring start up.
We also replaced the large stainless screen that filters irrigation water as it enters the sprinkler system.  We started to have some problems with sprinklers running without adequate pressure and found this to be the culprit.  There is a failure near the top of the screen which can be seen when enlarged.  This screen is inspected after every season and was last replaced in 1998.  Divers were hired in September to clean the intake and found an accumulation of leaf debris near the intake.  This was cleaned but will require more intense maintenance in the near future.
More snow last week. Fortunately the storm just glanced us.
A red tailed hawk keeping an eye on things. No sign of nesting yet.

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