Wednesday, January 21, 2015

One month down and two to go as winter marches along.  We continue to proceed with our winter maintenance knowing time is getting short.  We finally experienced some milder weather this week that allowed us to open the back nine albeit on temporary greens and tees.  Unfortunately it doesn't look like the mild temperatures will last.  It is January after all!

It sure is nice to see some winter golf but we must wait for frost to burn off first.
The fifteenth hole this morning covered in frost.  Our crew has almost finished clearing the growth from around the lake.  The fourth hole is complete.
Pruning is taking place throughout the course.  Here Erik works on a willow oak near the sixteenth green.
Lots of branches to chip!
The crew continues to refurbish course supplies.
More sanding!
Oscar working on a triplex mower.  All the hoses are being replaced on this unit.
Daffodils beginning to emerge and a sure sign of things to come.

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