Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The rain has arrived.  After a dry September the course has received more than its share of late.    Fortunately drier weather is in the future.  Lets hope the course can dry out and give us a little roll and better playing conditions.

Four green Wednesday afternoon.
The practice green at nearly the same time.  New greens are built to drain.
The last Pylex application was harsh on the bent.  This lasted approximately one week.
Six approach with Pylex applied two weeks ago.  The yellow flashing is almost gone but the bermudagrass is white.  New bent seedlings are emerging.
We saw some unusual things in our treatments.  Crop circles?
This has been a year of highs and lows.  This picture illustrates two varieties of turf found in our fairways.  The blue pen is pointing at the bent while the pencil is aimed at Poa annua.  It is going to be a real challenge reducing the amount of Poa in the fairways and rough.
Here is a solid stand of bent filling in over some fading crabgrass is the fifth fairway.
As suspected Quincy tore his other ACL and had surgery on Tuesday.  Eight weeks of rehab before he will be running again.

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