Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The golf course continues to fill in but would benefit greatly from a soaking rain. We recently applied probably our last application of Pylex herbicide to approximately three acres of fairways contaminated with bermudagrass.  These areas are quite obvious now as the bent has a yellow flashing common with this herbicide.  This yellowing should mow out over the next week and is not harmful to the bent.  These areas were seeded the same day so the bent will transition into the bermudagrass areas as the bermudarass declines.  The true test will be how much bermudagrass is present next season.

Its not hard to tell where the Pylex was applied.  The yellowing of the bent is unsightly but temporary.  This application should really whiten the bermudagrass.
More yellowing.
Temporary pain for future benefits to our fairways.
The fairway areas with bermudagrass encroachment were seeded the same day(last Wednesday).
If you look close some seedlings are beginning to emerge in the slit.
We have added some additional irrigation to improve some rough areas on the course.  This is the new area behind the sixth green and the rough on five.
The old turf nursery at fifteen tee has been moved and the fescue has grown in beautifully.
Additional greens nursery planted with Crystal BlueLinks bent behind the fourteenth green.

Quincy is going to the vet on Wednesday to have his right leg checked out.



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