Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What a marvelous time of year.  The golf course is really beginning to flourish.  We have plenty on our plate and continue to play catch up.  We have seeded weak rough areas and are just now seeing some germination.  Finally!  We are also installing more sod in some critical areas before hot weather arrives.

Our application for annual bluegrass seed head prevention looks good so far.  This shows some seed heads on one of the greens but they are few and far between.
If you have played the course these patches may have been observed on several of the fairways.  This disease is called pink snow mold.  Cool wet weather is necessary to get it going.  Fungicides were applied last fall and again this spring once it was observed.  The bent will grow out of it.
We have added a step cut around the collars of the greens.  This should help all of our scores!
The fresh smell of pasteurized organic chicken manure will soon be in the air.  Here a truck fills our silo with 24 tons. 

We rented a tree root pruner and have just completed this operation.  Tree roots steal water and nutrients from turf.
A close up of the blades.
Sod has been flying.  Here the gold tee on 14 is repaired.
A low area at the front of the fairway bunkers on hole 15 after a nice rain.  No more standing water!
This is a nice sign.  Cutting rough for the first time.
Spring has sprung!


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