Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The cool start to spring has allowed our crew some time to play catch up but that may soon be ending.  The turf has begun to grow and it is only a matter of time before most of our energy will be geared towards mowing.  We have opened the fifth tee and expect the third hole to follow in about three weeks.  Hopefully carts will be allowed on the course before too long and everything will be back to normal.

We recently completed deep tine aeration of all the greens and tees.  This will help promote better rooting as well as breaking up the heavy subsoil.  We did this a month earlier last year.
We did some final sod work throughout the course.  This is a large repair on the fifth hole.
The rough continues to fill in.  The cool spring has slowed down germination of much of our spring seeding.
An application of pasteurized chicken manure will help!
The course received 2.5 inches of rain last week and was very playable the next day.  I think we can all agree the drainage work throughout the course has been a huge success.
New yardage plaques are to be installed in all the fairways.  This requires building a frame and placing them is a bed of concrete before moving to the fairway.
This browning is from our annual bluegrass seed head chemical application.  The turf will gradually grow out of it. 
After some trepidation the bermudagrass on the driving range tee is beginning to grow.  We will open it some time in May.
Five tee is open!  What a difference.
Three fairway is almost ready.  It should open in about three weeks.
The tulip display this spring has been amazing.  Enjoy!

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