Tuesday, March 18, 2014

When will this winter end?  According to the calendar spring begins this Thursday but looking out my window it sure doesn't look it.  Warmer temperatures are forecast for the rest of the week so the snow should melt quickly and we can concentrate on getting the entire course open.

We mowed greens for the first time on Saturday.  We have a higher height of cut for the first mowing but still removed quite a bit of grass.  Mowing greens on Saturday, plowing snow on Monday. Yikes!
We removed an overgrown shrub border surrounding some nice crepe myrtles near the 17th green.
What a difference!

The wood chip area on the 8th hole was recently expanded.
Tulips are beginning to emerge in many beds.  Please don't walk in the flowerbeds!
We removed one last tree at the rear of the 3rd green.  Hopefully we can now improve this poorly draining area.
We have a nice supply of split oak that should be excellent for next winter.
Even the kids are sick of snow.  This hillside is usually covered with children playing.
One last picture of the winter of 2014.

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