Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The golf course is opening!  We appreciate your patience through the renovation and at long last we can play golf.  The back nine will open for play this Friday and we expect the entire course to open on Friday March 21st.  It will be fun managing the course for golf again.  The fairways have  developed a nice mat underfoot and will continue to improve in density as warmer weather arrives.  Carts will be restricted to the path until the turf is mature enough to support them which we are guessing to be mid-spring.  We also insist that all divots be replaced.  The Green Committee decided to remove the sand mixture from the carts at least for the short term in an effort to get everyone in the habit of replacing the turf.  Enjoy!

Getting ready for play.  Here Tom is blowing off the tenth green before rolling. 
Turf covers were removed on Monday but were returned before the cold front arrived on Thursday. 
Number five green tee.  Roots have hardly grown since last December but should start moving as the weather warms.
Crystal BlueLinks beginning to green up on the fifteenth fairway.
We mowed a shaggy third fairway on Wednesday.
The greens are beginning to show color and lose their mottled look.
We are seeding areas in the rough that are particularly weak coming out of winter.  Here Erik seeds tall fescue on the first hole.
The completed seedbed.  The rough will require time to fill in.
We extended the wood chip area on the eighth hole to include more hardwood trees.
Julio completed pruning the hybrid tea roses in preparation for a great seasonal display.  Spring may begin!

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