Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What a spectacular weekend we just experienced.  Unfortunately those visions of spring were short lived and we are once again facing another wicked cold pattern.  About half of our staff are using vacation this week so lucky them!  The rest of the crew is splitting wood from the trees that were recently cut down.  Split wood is available on a first come basis and may be picked up by the driving range near the 12th green.  We have just completed cutting back all growth in the eighth creek which concludes this work for this year.  Ornamental grasses are next.

A "dusting" of snow this morning.
Tulips starting to break the surface in the cutting garden.
Cutting back all growth in the eighth creek.  This wraps up this work for the year.
We are starting to see some green up in the bent fairways.  This is a southern slope on the sixth hole.
We have seen some minor disease in the fairways as the snow melted.  This is called pink snow mold and it is common to our area.  Fungicides were applied in November to prevent this.  Rarely does it kill grass. 
Once the ice melted off the lakes the hooded mergansers returned.  These ducks are very reclusive and hard to photograph up close.

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