Monday, February 10, 2014

We are about half way through winter and we say uncle!  With every passing day winter's grip is a little less powerful but enough already.   Erik and I attended the Golf Course Industry show in Orlando last week and the weather was really nice.  We had several days of continuing education and then walked the trade show looking at everything under the sun involving golf course management.  Annika Sorenstam received our associations most prestigious award and gave an enlightening talk with The Golf Channel's Kelly Tilghman.  Meanwhile our crew continues to prepare for the upcoming season working outside when possible. 

The trade show has over 175,000 square feet of floor space that our feet will attest to.
The John Deere booth.
Annika Sorenstam and Kelly Tilghman.
A birthday card signing celebrating Toro's 100th birthday.
Sanding benches prior to finishing with teak oil.

A newly finished bench.

Juan preparing rake handles for vinyl guard.
Francisco working on fairway cutting units.
We are collecting seed from ornamental grasses in the 7th creek and planting in other creek beds.
Cutting down piles of brush below the 3rd tee.
Annual bluegrass is easy to spot in dormant bent.  On this particular day the turf thawed out and allowed us to remove annual bluegrass plants in the practice green.

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