Saturday, August 17, 2013

Our fairway renovation really ramped up this week.  Forty-one acres were treated with non-selective herbicides on Tuesday and Wednesday.  It is pretty obvious where we sprayed and will become more apparent with every day that passes. Roundup is a systemic herbicide that is taken up by the leaves and is translocated through the entire plant.  It generally takes from seven to ten days to completely kill the existing plants.  One more application is required to work on the bermudagrass and to catch any misses.  This will be done on August 27th and 28th. 
  The sprayer in action. Who thought killing grass would be fun! Knowing what the end product will be makes this the best spray application ever.
Prior to the herbicide treatment all debris was blown from the target area.
Greens were tarped to prevent any residue from getting on the putting surface.

Erik and Dick carefully spraying the collar interface at the second green. We will establish bent collars while we are closed.

Roundup beginning to show its effect.  All ryegrass collars will receive only one application.

Test plot below sixteen tee after the second herbicide application.  These areas will be mowed down and seeded this week.

Four tons of tall fescue delivered and ready for seeding.
Prior to seeding we will be leveling areas in the fairways.  This is an old drain line in the landing area on hole 14.
Pylex herbicide application day twelve. The fescue has a yellow flashing that is temporary.
Another look of Pylex in action. The dark area is untreated.
Linear aeration was done on all fairways.  This type of aeration helps break through the hardpan in our fairways.  Over time the fairways will have much better internal drainage and better rooting.  This is a tough job as shown by this video and it is hard on the operator and the tractor.   

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