Sunday, August 4, 2013

Great weather this week with more rain that was beneficial!  Rainfall totals have been impressive.  We have received over 18 inches since June 1st.  Lets hope we have timely rain during our renovation.  We began marking the new fairway shapes on Friday and will complete this week.  A second line will be marked to show the limits of the rough seeding.  Non selective herbicide applications will begin on August13th and conclude on the 14th. In preparation most of the fairways were aerified with solid tines and we will finish up this week.  In addition we will begin vertical slit aeration later this week.  We should have some good pictures of this work when it occurs.  The last mow before the herbicides are applied will be Friday the 9th.  We want as much leaf exposed to enhance uptake of the herbicide by the turf.  We will not mow the turf again for approximately ten days when we begin scalping it prior to our second herbicide application scheduled August 27th and 28th.


      Here is a progression of one of the test plots -two days after application

Day four

Day five
Day eight
 Solid tine aeration
New fairway shape hole 15 (inside cart tracks) 
Hole sixteen 
Crystal BlueLinks bent has been delivered! 
Excess water in the cup on 12 green Saturday morning-too much rain and poor drainage.

This is very discouraging. The practice green opened Saturday morning and we already have foot damage from standing in the same spot. Please do not do this!!!!

Vandalism 15 green Saturday morning. 
Pileated woodpecker near 15 tee Saturday morning.
Three magnificent bucks seen Saturday morning. See if you can spot them.
An earlier view of the bucks.

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