Friday, July 12, 2013

We have just completed a grueling three week period of golf tournaments.  The golf course performed remarkably well with the exception of the practice putting green.  Too much rain and too much play has severely thinned out the turf and it must be allowed to recover.  The green was core aerified and seeded and has been fertilized to enhance recovery.  We have closed the green until it is healthy enough to handle the daily wear and tear it receives.  Once it reopens please be as careful as possible by not dragging or twisting your feet as this is particularly hard on the turf.  In addition spread your practice around and do not practice in the same area continually.  The chipping green will remain open. 

Traffic damage on the practice green

Another picture of foot damage

We had a tremendous storm last night and received five inches of rain. The storm water breeched the dam on #16 and did this to the bunkers.
Fish in the greenside bunker #16
Water went over the walk bridge on 16 tee.

Storm debris #16
Irrigation mainline washed out and exposed at #5 bridge.

Chipping fairway practice patterns could be better.  This area will take the rest of the summer to recover.

By hitting shots in different spots as this player is allows the turf to recover faster.
Have you seen me?  I am a northern water snake and this my course too.  I am not poisonous but I am pretty scary.
Can you find me? Careful where you step!

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