Saturday, July 20, 2013

It has been an ugly week for our golf course.  Too much rain followed by extreme heat and humidity have severely stressed turf despite all our efforts.  One promising note is all of the new construction done over the past years has held up well and the turf is in fine shape.  Drainage on holes 5 and 7 has allowed the turf a fighting chance where it would most likely be dead in past years.  The biggest concern is the condition of several of the greens with #12 being the worst.  We solid tined all the greens on Monday to try and dry them out.  Mowing and rolling frequency has been reduced to reduce stress to the turf as well.  Hopefully we will have some relief in the next few days with lower temperatures and humidity in the forecast. 

 Twelve green with severe stress. We have added internal drainage to help but it continues to give us fits.  Removal of several trees is recommended to improve the growing environment and is planned.

Another picture of twelve green.  The greens were last mowed on Wednesday and are only rolled in areas not under stress.
This is one of the unfortunate results of when the greens are too wet.  Root systems have really shortened and ball mark repair is difficult but they should never be fixed in this manner.
Bermuda encroachment in a fairway.
When it gets hot even bug spray is harmful to the turf.  This is on the 1st tee.  Notice the footprints where this individual was standing when it was applied.  Please apply repellents on the cart paths!
Here is three fairway and approach illustrating renovated turf in the approach and in contrast the fairway with turf struggling.
Sixteen approach renovated to the right and existing to the left.

Seven fairway looking pretty good this morning.  Drainage, drainage, drainage.


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