Thursday, June 2, 2022

 Weather was perfect for the Memorial Day weekend.  Hot weather joined the party as our second heat wave of 2022 is upon us.  This comes to and end today.  The President's Cup is this weekend, and the weather looks fantastic.  Let's hope we don't receive too much rain and the course proves to be a challenge.

We had a Pro Am on Wednesday and the course played tough. Here Jose puts on a double roll after mowing.

Rough was sprayed with a preventive fungicide and season long grub control this week.  This application is lightly watered in.

Some areas of the course are showing the benefits of tree removal.  This is behind one green and the turf is near perfect.  Sunlight and adequate air circulation are essential for growing quality turf.

Please use cart paths around greens and tees.  I promise you the turf does not like this.

The course has many nice plantings and are they looking good!

There are a number of wildflower species around the course.  Everything is just about in its prime.


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