Friday, January 7, 2022

 Winter arrived suddenly on Monday.  Springfield received its biggest snow in three years with eleven inches.  Another three inches came last night.  This has put a halt on all construction work and shifts our crew's work inside after dealing with the plowing.  Once again kudos to the crew dealing with the snow shorthanded and a little unprepared.  

It has not been a good week if you are a tree.  Evergreens and crepe myrtles took in on the chin particularly.  Fortunately, we have a week of tree pruning scheduled to begin next week and they will be able to chip up the downed branches.  

Crepe myrtles and a Sophora damaged in the pollinating garden.

Every white pine received some damage.  This was the most damaging snow event since Snowmageddon in 2010.

More damage disfiguring white pines and sure to speed up their removal.

The magnolia at the practice green also took a hit.

The eighth green showing some nice color as the snow melts.  We had over a hundred rounds on Sunday!

Downed tree behind the fifth hole on Greeley blocking half the road.

Boxwoods covered with snow.

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