We had a great week of work. The Board approved a large amount of tree pruning and removals. This week one contractor did extensive pruning on holes 1, 2, 3, 7, 16, and 18. We didn't quite complete everything so they will return in a couple of weeks to work on hole 17 and a few other spots. Trees that have yellow or red tape around them are scheduled to be pruned. Trees that have red flags at their base will be removed. We are awaiting bids on the removal part of this project. Our timing couldn't have been better after the damaging snowstorm of January 3rd. The contractor provided the chipper for our crew to gather and chip up the branches while they did the climbing. Three climbers can accomplish plenty! This pruning was long overdue and the results so far are outstanding.
Bunker construction on hole 15 began on Thursday. The bunkers have been roughed in but are not close to completion. They will be some changes when the architect arrives so what you see now is not close to the finished product.
Fourteen degrees this morning as we wait for another winter storm.
With the cold weather arriving we were able to cover greens 3, 4, and 5 and some shady tees.
The crew covering the 3rd green.
Pruning oaks on the 3rd hole.
Our crew working the chipper. The chip areas on the course are very handy.
Sawtooth oak being pruned.
Finished product from a different angle.
Another sawtooth oak ready to be raised and thinned out.
Not the best view but what a difference!
Oak trees taped for pruning.
Oaks scheduled for removal by sixteen green.
Bunker construction day one. Removing the sand and drain lines.
Plating the topsoil and stockpiling for later use.
Roughing in the bunkers. The exact location and shape are not finished.