Friday, May 21, 2021

 We have another couple of weeks of extremely hectic work and then we get into the heart of the golf season.  I know everyone is enjoying the fast and firm golf course that nature has provided us this spring.  We are starting to irrigate regularly due too the lack of rain and would like to see some soon.  I know be careful what you ask for!  There is plenty to talk about so let's go.

We moved to grass this morning on the range.  The bermudagrass is still sluggish so we will only use it on weekends until it really starts growing.

Fairway aeration was finally completed after several rain outs.  Perfect conditions for a change!

The crew has been busy adding lots of new plant material to our property.  Here crepe myrtles are planted in the parking lot medians.

Spring tulips have been dug up.  Did you pick up your tulips?  There are still some in the upper parking lot but will be trashed after this weekend.

True yellow Alternathera with Persian Shield in the center at 18 tee.

The vegetable garden is about ready to plant.

There has been plenty of tree work this spring.  Three loads of logs were hauled off site with one more to go. 

The cicada's have arrived in mass.

There are plenty of great things going on but this might be the best.  Please meet Shawn Gill our new Assistant Superintendent.  Shawn comes to us from Lake Presidential where he was Golf Course Superintendent. 


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