Sunday, April 25, 2021

 Happy Sunday morning!  We just received a very beneficial 3/4" of rain and the firm and fast course conditions we have been experiencing are over for now.  Wind arrives and then some spring heat will help dry the course out.  There is plenty going on with the most important news that our First Assistant Superintendent Josh Peters resigned and is now First Assistant at Washington Golf.  This is a good career move for Josh and we wish him well.  We are actively pursuing candidates and hope to have a new Assistant on board very soon.  

Josh spent over five years with our team and will be missed.

We had a nice catered lunch from Anita's.  It was a great way to say thank you.

Last weekend we had two bird watching sessions that were overwhelmingly successful.  Two birding experts guided us through the sights and sounds of different birds.

We saw forty-five different species over the two mornings.

All the greens collars were aerated on Monday.  The expanded collars were topdressed on Tuesday.  Greens will be aerated on May 3rd.

If you suffer from spring allergies you can blame the oaks for some of your misery.  Here our crew blows the practice green off.  The flowers of the oaks are called catkins and this goes on for about two weeks.  The invasion of the catkins!  

Preparing for more wildflowers.  The darker green areas have just been treated with a non-selective herbicide to remove all competition.  This will be repeated in about ten days.

The eighteenth hole starting to show off.

The grand finale of our 2021 tulip display.  

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