Monday, March 29, 2021

 Opening day is this Thursday with a forecast of 49 degrees and windy.  March is going out like a schizophrenic lion.  Warm then cold then warm.  Well that's March.  We have been plenty busy getting the course ready for the start of the golf season.  Hopefully we will complete rough aeration this week.  It looks like our first rough mowing will be next week as well as our first preemergent application to the rough.  This will be repeated in about six weeks.  Annual bluegrass seed head prevention applications began on St. Patrick's Day.  A second application will happen soon.  So far results have been quite good.  The greens should be fast and smooth for the Master's Par 3 competition.

Rough aeration began last Monday.  With a little luck this should be completed this week.

This yellowish circle is a disease called brown ring patch.  It has been quite prevalent on our greens the last few springs but a change in our fungicide program has reduced the severity of this disease.  I believe we have nipped it in the bud!

Our putting surfaces are starting to shine.  Roots are beginning to grow deeper and deeper.

Expecting perfect annual bluegrass seed head suppression is impossible.  Here a small plant exhibits some seed head inflorescence.

 Ball marks continue to be a concern.  Please don't forget to repair these to keep our greens uniform and smooth.

Saturday morning and the course is starting to shine.  

The 11th hole looking good.

Wind damage and one less pine on the course this morning.  More tree work is planned next week.



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