Monday, November 16, 2020

 A very busy Monday to you.  We have begun our fall renovation projects today as well as tulip bulb planting.  We are renting the Shock Wave linear aerator and completed three fairways today.  This will improve drainage and encourage better rooting of our bentgrass.  As usual we received more rain last night that forced us to jump around a bit.  Springfield has really been in the bullseye since July.  We also began to prepare the right side of the 12th hole for new rough sod.  Nearly a half acre will be installed beginning Wednesday.  We hope to sod another acre and a half before winter hits.

The Shock Wave in action.  I'm a big fan of this machine as it does a lot without much surface disruption.

Sixteen fairway all done.  Next is a good mow and we are done.

The Shock Wave will cut to depths of up to seven inches and breaks up rocks.  It is also a great tool for tree roots.

Sod prep begins on twelve.

Here come the bulbs!

The rain hasn't stopped and we adapt as needed.  On Thursday the course was too wet to allow any equipment on the turf so the crew used back pack blowers to clear leaves.  Super stars!

We are not the only ones busy.  Though hard to see this ornamental pear is covered with cedar waxwings devouring the fruit.



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