Monday, November 30, 2020

 November is going out with a big splash.  Over two inches of rain has fallen and more is expected this afternoon.  The course is obviously closed and opening doesn't look promising for Tuesday  Check the web site tomorrow for course status.  November was a great month for playing golf and working on the course.  December looks pretty good for work but golfing not so much as temperatures are forecast to get seasonal.  Drainage work begins next week.  Expect to see equipment arriving later this week.  Greens and tees will be deep tine aerated this week as well as some fairway aeration and seeding.  Some sod will probably be laid as well.

Frost arrived late this fall.  Here is a look at our first killing frost.

Here is what happens when driving on frosted or frozen turf.  This was done by yours truly when the turf was slightly frozen.  The damage lasted about two weeks.  Shame on me!

Sod replacement on hole sixteen.

Watering some really dry sod on November 28th.  This is unusual.

The Shock Wave did an excellent job opening up the soil in the fairways.  Here's a pretty good rock 
exposed on the second hole.

I know I harp on this too much but we must do better.  Each morning every green has about four of these.

Leaf work is nearly complete.

'Winter Red' deciduous holly on hole fifteen.

Another amazing November sunrise!



Monday, November 16, 2020

 A very busy Monday to you.  We have begun our fall renovation projects today as well as tulip bulb planting.  We are renting the Shock Wave linear aerator and completed three fairways today.  This will improve drainage and encourage better rooting of our bentgrass.  As usual we received more rain last night that forced us to jump around a bit.  Springfield has really been in the bullseye since July.  We also began to prepare the right side of the 12th hole for new rough sod.  Nearly a half acre will be installed beginning Wednesday.  We hope to sod another acre and a half before winter hits.

The Shock Wave in action.  I'm a big fan of this machine as it does a lot without much surface disruption.

Sixteen fairway all done.  Next is a good mow and we are done.

The Shock Wave will cut to depths of up to seven inches and breaks up rocks.  It is also a great tool for tree roots.

Sod prep begins on twelve.

Here come the bulbs!

The rain hasn't stopped and we adapt as needed.  On Thursday the course was too wet to allow any equipment on the turf so the crew used back pack blowers to clear leaves.  Super stars!

We are not the only ones busy.  Though hard to see this ornamental pear is covered with cedar waxwings devouring the fruit.



Thursday, November 12, 2020

 What an incredible run of weather we have experienced.  That came crashing down today so a new streak hopefully begins tomorrow.  About three inches of rain have fallen so far.  It will be a challenge to open on Friday but we will do our best.

It sounds like everyone enjoyed Lentz's Revenge on Sunday.  That could be the best weather ever for this event.

Rain prevented new sod installation on hole 12 this week.  The left side in this picture will be replaced to a twenty foot width next week.  

This pic illustrates how dramatic new sod enhances the fairway with contrasting color and texture.  This was completed several years ago.

Our greens have been close to perfect this fall.  They have that magical sheen right now.

Our annuals performed amazing this year with the tough growing conditions.  All good things must come to an end so time to pull and install tulips.  Spring has started!

Fall color has been a little off this year but not our Ginkgo's.

The same tree this morning.  Awesome!

Clearing the driving range of leaves before the rain started yesterday.  We spent what time we had clearing all drain basins of leaves and it really helped.

Our garden was hit or miss this year.  It looks like our eggplants did okay.

Monday morning fog and dew.