Monday, October 26, 2020

Abundant rain arrived on Sunday and postponed the championship finals.  Not shocking considering it's 2020 but disappointing nonetheless.  We intended to aerate the greens on Monday with small solid tines but now we will do this on Tuesday.  This type of aeration interferes little with putting quality after they are rolled so don't worry abut the greens.  What we should worry about is the rain that is forecast on Thursday-Friday.  We will be working late in preparation for a significant rain event.  Hopefully we will have golf this weekend with Club Championship and Lentz's Revenge scheduled.

What a weird week of weather we experienced.  Three consecutive mornings of dense fog followed by warm sunny afternoons.

No fog delay on Saturday!

Leaf season has arrived.  Saturday morning moving leaves from 2/17 rough across 17 fairway.

Almost the entire crew working on the 17th hole Saturday morning.  

Moving leaves onto the parking lot and then mulching and picking up the mess Monday morning.

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